Greeting Card 卡片設計
illustrated by Procreate, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
Father's day card illustrated by Procreate
illustrated by Procreate
Birthday card with Taiwanese Traditional culture illustrated by Procreate
Happy Mother’s Day Pop-up Card illustrated by Procreate and Adobe Photoshop
illustrated by Procreate and Adobe Photoshop
illustrated by Procreate and Adobe Illustrator. The rabbit brings a lot of money which can fill up the whole pool. The pleasing scene makes people who receive this red pocket feel like to be in seventh heaven.
Birthday card illustrated by Procreate
illustrated by Procreate
illustrated by Procreate, designed by Adobe Illustrator
illustrated by Procreate, designed by Adobe Illustrator
Mother's day card illustrated by Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
illustrated by Procreate and Adobe Illustrator. A dance by the two classical new year's dishes: leaf mustard and the fish, which symbols longevity and a year of abundance.
New Year card illustrated by Adobe Illustrator
Mid-Autumn Festival card illustrated by watercolor, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
Father's day card illustrated by Procreate and Adobe Photoshop
Mother's day card illustrated by Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop
Valentine's Day Card + Envelope illustrated by watercolor, ink, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
Christmas card made by Letterpress
New Year card illustrated by watercolor, ink and Adobe Photoshop
Thank you card illustrated by watercolor, ink and Adobe Photoshop
Halloween greeting card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Birthday card "Dear Owner, there are for you. Happy Birthday~ It's not that I smell vegetable and don'tw want to eat them. Definitely." illustrated by watercolor, ink and Adobe Photoshop
Christmas card illustrated by watercolor, ink, colored pencils and Adobe Photoshop
illustrated by watercolor, ink and Adobe Photoshop
Christmas card illustrated by watercolor, ink and Adobe Photoshop
Halloween greeting card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor, ink and Adobe Photoshop If you feel embarrassed about saying something out loud, let action speak for yourself.
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and ink I have never learned ice skating and never wanted before, but if this could leave you a happy message, I will learn it. Happy Birthday, daring!
Christmas card illustrated by Adobe Illustrator
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor, ink and Adobe Photoshop It is said that mankind on earth wouldn't be able to see the far side of the Moon because a phenomenon called tidal locking. Then, what does the far side of the Moon look like? It is the greeting for one's birth on the far side of the Moon all the time!
Halloween greeting card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and brown ink
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and brown ink. inspired by the legend of Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Christmas card illustrated by watercolor and colored pencils
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Halloween greeting card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Thank you card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Father's Day card illustrated by Adobe Illustrator
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor, ink and Adobe Photoshop
Free ice cream and cakes are in the house! Birthday card illustrated by watercolor, ink abd Adobe Photoshop
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Birthday card illustrated by watercolor and ink
Valentines Day card illustrated by watercolor, ink and Adobe Photoshop